A Course in Miracles Introduction Workshop

Yellow wall, blue shelf with pile of books, black text, A Course in Miracles: Introduction Workshop, Saturday May 15, 10 am / Zoom

A Course in Miracles Introduction Workshop

Saturday, May 15, 10 a.m. // Zoom

Come join us as we provide a framework for study, including starting points and key lessons, leading us to the wisdom of Jesus' teachings and its transforming principles.

Here are just a few of the miracle principles...

  • Only God is Real, all separation is an illusion

  • God is love and only love, and you are an extension of that love

  • Every thought you think, word you speak, and action you take represents your choice between love and fear.

  • The purpose of the body is simply a communication device for love, joy, and peace.

  • There is no sin, this is only part of the illusion.

  • If there is no sin, then there is no guilt, you are still one with your Creator.

  • There is no death, you are an eternal being.

  • The Holy Spirit will assist you in translating your fear-based thoughts into loving, creative, unlimited, miraculous expressions.


We will explore practical ways to understand and apply this guidance. Whether you are just dipping your toes in, or ready to fully submerge yourself in study, familiarizing yourself with the Course is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. We know that each of us is on our own unique soul journey and will come to the teachings at the exact right time for our own expansion. Hosted by Kristin Kelly.

Suggested love offering $30. Make payments via PayPal or credit card at KentuckyGrace.com (payment tab) or send check to Kristin at Kentucky Grace, 4140 Todds Point Road, Simpsonville, KY 40067.

Background of yellow wall with pile of books on blue shelf, black text, Register



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