The Bobby Pen


When I was a small child, I can remember my grandmother telling me that I was a “very special child”, and I was “going to do great things in life.” When I ponder over my life, I'm not sure that I have done a lot of exceptional things, but I do believe I have done a lot of great things and in many areas. So, I have great gratitude for the affirmations my grandmother bestowed upon me. She was clearly planting her seeds of faith in me.

I have always been fueled with great willpower and passion just like my grandmother. Somehow, I inherited her zest to accomplish as many things as possible during a lifetime. I see my quest as a sort of philanthropic duty to plant seeds wherever I go. My current gardens of planting potential are my family and Unity of Louisville.

As I have been going into deep introspection over the holidays, I have asked myself repeatedly, “Who have I become?”, “How do I want to show up moving forward in the next chapter of my life?” and “What legacy seeds do I want to plant for the future of my family and our church?” To answer these questions, in my opinion, requires one major challenge that I deal with daily.

And that's slowing down to become present to opportunities that support me staying in the flow.

I'm writing this blog while I'm sitting at the airport in Atlanta and about to board my flight to Kansas City. I'm thrilled to be invited to the grand opening of the Goppert Center of Performing Arts at Unity Village (pics below). This building was formerly called the Activities Center and hosted many of the Unity greats like Eric Butterworth, James Dillett Freeman, and even Maya Angelo. The building was built in 1975, seated nearly 1200 guests, and was created as the centerpiece of the courtyard at the Village. Unfortunately, the building needed major repairs.

I can remember the day that the CEO came to me and asked, “We have three potential projects in our strategic planning. Which one do you think will make the most impact?” Without even thinking, I said, “The Activity Center”. Immediately following the CEO asked me to call my dear friend Robert Tabor to help create some renderings. Within a few weeks, he sketched a magnificent refresh design for the space. In the weeks following, and with the help of Robert's sketches, we were able to wow the Goppert Foundation and secure the first million dollars to get the project going. In the end, the renovation took many more millions of dollars to restore.

When I was the Vice President of Hospitality at Unity Village, I was blessed with the gift of planting seeds of inspiration all over the property. From banquet spaces and garden restorations to a half-million-dollar refresh at the Unity Village Hotel and Conference Center, I was charged with creating

updated spaces that were fresh yet honoring the sacred energy that calls itself home at Unity Village.

While I didn't leave my position at the Village in the way that I had hoped to, I planted seeds of renewal all amongst the historic property and I am very proud of those accomplishments. To this day, Unity folks share their gratitude for all the projects I completed at Unity Village. So, let me ask you the same questions I asked myself. “Who have you become over the last year?”, “How do you want to show up moving forward in the next chapter of your life?” and “What legacy seeds do you want to plant for the future of your family and our church?”

Coming up this year in our church there will be so many great opportunities to become more spiritually alive as a divine expression. As you are becoming more present to your needs and allowing yourselves to be in the flow, you will notice classes and workshops that will support you in becoming more alive. When you become more alive, you will plant seeds of

greatness all around you. Starting this Sunday, we will begin announcements and newsletter ads promoting Spirit Groups, Workshops, and Volunteer opportunities. Let your heart be that divine compass that leads you to your garden of passion and faith.

This Sunday's service will be led by Rev. Gerry Boylan. He will be talking about gratitude and the importance of gratitude in your life.

Blessings, Rev. Bobby