Food Pantry

Unity of Louisville has partnered with Fleur's Dream to assist in feeding children in our community schools.  Unity of Louisville has allocated  space to store the items and a donation bin is in the Social Hall located near the College Street entrance.  We are open Sun 9-1 and Mon-Thurs 9-3:30. Items are delivered weekly to each school.

Engelhard Elementary has 40-50% homeless student population (meaning that several live in Hotel Louisville or other shelters).  80% do not eat except when at school.​  Engelhard was able to secure​ grants to participate in Blessings in a Backpack this year, it costs the school $80,000.  

Wheatley's student population is similar.  A great many of their students are "working poor", meaning that they have to choose between paying utilities, rent, or groceries and God forbid if an emergency comes up. Wheatley was not able to secure grants and so can not ​receive Blessings in a Backpack for their needy students.  They also have not been able to secure continuous donations from organizations and businesses so far.

​Items requested are:

Non-perishable foods

Foods that can be cooked in a microwave (most in the shelters have access to microwaves)

Feminine Hygiene Items


Baby food

School Uniforms​​